Where music vibrations fuel our creations. While utilizing music vibrations to cleanse + charge our crystals, we provide a focused offering of Music Infused Talisman Jewelry. Our intent is to provide stylish Talisman, to be used as a tool, that will provoke intentional thought processes. We are happy you have gravitated our way + we thank you for sharing the repsonsibilty of spreading good vibes!
Love Soundz, where music vibrations fuel our creations. While utilizing sound vibrations to cleanse + charge our bodies and our crystals, we provide focused offerings of Music Infused Talismans + Experiences.
Our intent is to provide Talismans and Experiences to be used as tools/rituals, that will provoke intentional + empowering practices. As we create a platform for musicians to be honored as sound healers, we are so happy you gravitated our way to amplify this journey.
Thank you for sharing the responsibility of spreading good vibes!
You are in the right place if you...
+ Value adorning thyself
+ Seek to express & self realize
+ Desire to elevate your Vibe
+ Believe in the power of nature
+ Gravitate towards nature
+ Appreciate one of a kinds
+ Utilize crystals as a tool
+ Believe in the power of music
Dreezzzy Love
+ Chief designer
+ Crystal Studier
+ Co-designer
+ Creative Director
+ Music Infuser
Ami Kim
+ Digital Experience Director
+ Music Infuser